Who hires Top Image?Our clients range from independent magazines and photographers to global fashion, home and beauty brands who are drawn to our expertise and commitment to client services.
How does Top Image work?Working directly with Lloyd and Alison means one-on-one communication with the advantage of an experienced team behind the partnership. This approach emphasises simplicity
and streamlines collaboration, ensuring that project details are not lost in translation.
What are your rates?Since each of our client’s creative needs are unique, we don’t offer a set pricing menu. Instead, we invite you to email us with details about your project and take advantage of a
complimentary test retouch. A test allows you to evaluate our work on your images and helps us provide you with an accurate price. After your images and estimate have been
delivered, we can schedule a discovery call to discuss your project goals and budget together in detail.
Why Top Image?Before founding Top Image we spent a combined 30 years working for luxury brands. Finding tasteful, reliable retouching was challenging- you’d hit some marks but never all. Guided by the principals of quality, service and collaboration we founded Top Image, where our bespoke, white-glove service blends seamlessly with your brand and partners as closely as your in-house retouching team.
Where are you based?Lloyd and Alison are between Los Angeles and Sydney, and have recently expanded to include retouching teams in New York city and London.
Our global positioning means access to our team and 24/7 workflow on your time zone.
Interested in working together?We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch here.